Saturday, February 22, 2014

Proclamation of Maharaj Bodhachandra Singh on the First State Assembly on October 18, 1948

Proclamation of Maharaj Bodhachandra Singh about Historical Background on the eve of Inauguration of First Manipur State Assembly on October 18, 1948.

Historical Background
“To begin with, I feel a sudden emotion in my heart-I mean the sweet reminiscences of the past history of Manipur. Let the patriots fight for today. I will see that yesterday shines once more before the people, ignorant of the beauty yesterday. I am sure, a look back to the history of our land will at once inspire your mind towards greater and noble deeds to prove your worth as worthy sons of worthy fathers”.

Read her political history from 24 A.D. She had her dominion over a wide area extending as far as the southern portion of China in the north, the gold mines in the Sibasagar valley, the river Chindwin in the east and south, and Chandrapore (Cachar) in the west. Her present area is 8.650 square miles plus 7,000 square miles of the Kabaw valley, including 7,900 square miles of the hills. Read the war operations of Maharajah Garibaniwaza in 171 l, which shows how far the spirit of heroism and independence ran rampant in the veins of our forefather. Read the Treaty of Maharaja Gourashyam and Mr. Verelst of the East India Company at Chittagong on the 14th September, 1762, which shows the vast wealth and economic status of Manipur. Read the Treaty of Yandaboo, dated the 9th January, 1834 ratified between Maharaja Gambhir Singh and the Company. This treaty left for us a good heritage, namely the Kabaw Valley of 7,000 square miles for which we now get from Burma Rs. 6,270 as annual tribute which according to the spirit of the terms of the Agreement, will cease when the area is reverted to our State. Maharaja Gambhir Singh died of disappointment for this loss of territory under duress. Sreejut Nara Singh’s role in redeeming Manipur from Burma, when she was devastated and dismembered for 7 years was very great. Manipur was thus, by reason of her vast territories and economic resources, self-supporting as a self-contained unit. Her sphere of influence and mercantile activities was very wide. During the British rule, foreign goods have a dulling effect to the indigenous products by dumping operations. Now is the best time to revive all these vanquished industries. Attempts are now being made to recover the losses of territories as in Cachar under duress.

Unity of Hill And Valley
All these times when Manipur was in the height of her power, Hill and Valley were one; and this oneness defended Manipur against all invasions and thus, she could maintain her independence upto 1891, when the rest of India had already been conquered by the British. British conquest of this land resulted from the slackened unity between the Valley and Hills. Now, since the withdrawal of British paramountcy after 56 years’ rule, we have reinforced the union of Hill and Valley; and best opportunities have reached us in order to work hand-in-hand towards achieving the common object of progress and national prosperity. The relation has become one of complete understanding and active sympathy and it must be so, for Manipur is one and the hopes and aspirations of Hill and Valley are identical.

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